What a great time! Had lots of fun, Saw old friends, won some awards, oh and drew alot... I won 2nd most exaggerated; 4th and 6th best Caricatures of the year; and was ranked 8th best caricature artist of the year. Thanx to all the awesome artists that were there this year! The Reaper won 4th best Caricature Won 6th best caricature
Holy shit Zitman. I knew you were incredible, but you just keep getting better and better. Soon you'll take over the world. (You know Marlo Meekins too? Cool. I mean, I don't "know" her but I'm her internet pal). Ivy
glad to meet you too. Congrats
what. thats it?!
I like your style.Congratulation!!
Congratulations, Matt!!! I loved when you made me fall off the chair laughing at that one drawing of yours.
i was glad to meet you son :)
Holy shit Zitman. I knew you were incredible, but you just keep getting better and better. Soon you'll take over the world. (You know Marlo Meekins too? Cool. I mean, I don't "know" her but I'm her internet pal).
Yo dude, 8th caricaturist of the year eh? Props to ya man, I'm heart broken that I couldn't be there.
What a stuff!
Amazing Matt! I´ll link you.
These are brilliant!
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